Rhia shut off her desktop and extracted her handbag from the shelf where she had dumped it in the morning when she came to work.
It had been a hectic day and she was looking forward to going home and soaking in a hot bath.
Her manager came round just then. ‘Arey, what? It’s only six fifteen. Leaving so soon!’
‘Uh yeah, the day is over right? I’m leaving for home.’
‘Rhia, I’ve been watching you for a few days now. You’ve come on time - that's good, but you’re always in such a hurry to leave. This won’t do. Look around you. Everyone is working, aren’t they? Look at Manish, Aryank, Maji. Look there, Aftab is still on a client call. Why can’t you put in more efforts?’
‘I have to get home in time. Manish, Aryank, Maji are all single, living in bachelor accommodation, Sir. And Aftab is not on a client call. He is chatting with his fiancée.’
She watched her manager’s ears turn red. ‘Okay, take my example – I’m married, and yet I’m still here. Besides, you’ve joined just a week back.’
‘Yes, and so I can still afford to leave on time, when work pressure is less. And you’re still here because your wife is there at home.’
‘See, Rhia, all these excuses…. You got to prioritize. If you wa-’
‘I think I just did.’ She was about to walk off but paused for a parting shot. 'This is not to say that Anita who's still working on her desk, doesn't have her priorities straight either.'
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