Wind Chimes by the Sea

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Wind Chimes by the Sea

When was the last time you read stories, ancient and modern, that gave you a glimpse of life at sea? Sea stories but not for seafarers alone? Tales of war and peace, sorrow and laughter, love and hate, adventure and romance? Wind Chimes by the Sea—Stories Blown Ashore has tales covering the era of tall sailing ships, the 1971 Indo-Pak war, a sailor trapped in a city of darkness, battling Covid at sea, a hapless crew in a frozen hostile country, the horrors of a severe storm at sea…and many more. Veteran sea captain Beetashok Chatterjee, author of Driftwood—stories washed ashore and Mayday! whips up 12 windblown stories with a hint of brine for you, all intended to transport you to the world of the seafarer. Will you come aboard now? The voyage is about to begin.

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About Author

Beetashok Chatterjee

Member Since: 12 Sep, 2020

I was a seaman, having spent my entire adult life in the Merchant Navy.... 35 years as a ship's captain, to be precise. The sea has been my main source of inspiration for my stories and poems, though I've written other kinds of stories as well. DRIFT...

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