Doordarshan Days

ISBN: 978-93-918002-8-4

About the Book

Remember the days when TV news did not sound like a scream fest and general entertainment programmes meant a treat for the whole family? Doordarshan—a name that epitomized television for a whole nation for decades.

Travelling through DD’s corridors and studios, celebrity anchor from the Eighties, Manna Bahadur brings you all the juicy, spicy, and comical anecdotes behind the camera; the iconic presenters who became fashion trendsetters for a nation; the chaotic ‘live’ shows…while chronicling her own growth story.

Doordarshan Days is a memoir that reminiscences about DD’s anxious birth in 1959, teething pains in the Sixties, young golden period in the Eighties to the Kendra’s giant stature now. 


Often hilarious, frequently inspirational, and occasionally intriguing, a brilliant page-turner!

- Anita Karwal, IAS, Secretary, Ministry of Education, Government of India, Author & Columnist


Manna’s humorous, racy style grip the reader. She authentically brings out the mayhem behind the glamour screen. It gave me goose bumps!

- Neethi Ravindran, Newscaster, Media person-turned-farmer

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About the Author


Manna Bahadur is a novelist, poet, painter and a media person. She rendered lead voice in children's program with All India Radio, Patna during 1950s and 60s. Manna is known for her meritorious performances as a Doordarshan present... read more

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