C. V. Lakshmi

  • Joined: 20 Aug, 2014
  • Location: Gurgaon, India

Author Overview

Lakshmi is still trying to figure out if she is a writer pretending to be a home-maker, or the other way around. She freely admits that most of the time her head is in the clouds. However, her feet are almost always on the ground. Incidentally, that is the title of her blog as well. She likes to believe that her stories write themselves, forgetting the minor detail of their needing a physical manifestation by putting pen to paper. Naturally, there are grave doubts that she ever majored in Physics. Having grown up in Cantonments across the country, she doesn’t mind if her house looks like a war zone, when she is in the mood to write. She slips in and out of teaching mode without warning. It is quite a relief to her children when she takes up assignments as a volunteer with Teach India. For her, the journey is more interesting than the destination. She lives in the NCR with her family

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