Chandrika R Krishnan

  • Joined: 06 Feb, 2025
  • Location: Bangalore, India

Author Overview

Chandrika R Krishnan, is a Bengaluru-based writer and educationist, who likes all things beginning with a ‘T’ - talking, teaching, tales, and tea. Her 260+ odd articles, poems, and stories have found a home in both print and online media in the likes of Strands LitShere, Reedsy, Khabar, New Woman, and Good Housekeeping India, Penmancy, Artoonsinn, Mint, The Hindu, Deccan Herald, Funny Pearls, Quint, Whetstone, Jakarta Post, Story Mirror, Pratilipi, besides being long-listed in the Australian Writers’ center and short-listed in Strands International Fiction contest. She is a published author, and her collection of flash fiction titled- vignettes- a slice of life. is available on Amazon along with her other published anthologies.

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