Author Overview
About Archana Kapoor Nagpal :
Archana Kapoor Nagpal is an internationally published author of books like '14 Pearls of Inspiration', 'The Road to a Positive Life', 'The Fragrance of a Beautiful Life', 'New Love: Anthology of Short Stories', ‘A Pinch of Love, Peace and Humanity’ and the '12 Facets of a Crystal'. She often participates in the short story competitions, and her winning stories are now part of international anthologies.
Archana was born in Cairo, Egypt and brought up in 6 different countries of the world. She graduated in B.A. (Honours) English Literature, and worked at one of the Big 4 Consulting Firm until she resigned in 2008. At the age of 16, she was awarded for her very first write-up titled as ‘Karma and Jeevan’ by Hindi Academy – to encourage her to write more often.
Archana draws inspiration from true life incidents and writes with the belief that her experiences may help people improve their lives. She has written more than 30 short stories and 40 inspiring poems. Her inspirational poems touch every area of a person's life. She enjoys writing Haiku and Tanka as well. A Haiku written by her was one of the poems featured on the homepage of a leading website for poems. Her two poems – ‘God on Facebook’ and ‘Circle of Life’ are highly acknowledged by other poets, and her readers as well. She has written poems around empowerment of women in India, and eradication of the social evil – female foeticide.
She is an avid blogger and is currently self–employed as a freelance writer. She writes inspirational content for corporate newsletters, websites, online and print publications like Tulip, Friday Gurgaon, HOO-Knows Home & Family Magazine, Harvests of New Millennium (Art & Poetry) et al.
In 2014, she aims to pursue her studies in the field of creative writing. She has a flair for learning new languages, and she loves to travel to new places as well. In simple words, she is a globetrotter. When she is not writing, which is not often, she enjoys swimming, painting, reading, dancing, and travelling.
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